Thursday, August 30, 2007

This is not a Food Blog

But I love food. As much as I would love to start a food blog, I just don't have time or the energy (or the skills) to do so. Lately I have been stalking some food blogs that are very, very good. And that make me hungry. And that make me think that I was perhaps a chef in a previous life. I love to cook. Unfortunately, I live with one of the pickiest eaters alive (although he is getting better), and I don't get to make a different new and exciting meal every night. And that's okay. I try to sneak in a new recipe once a week, omitting the ingredients that would make Ray cringe (or just not telling him what's in it). Here are some of my favorite sites:

Simply Recipes
The Pioneer Woman Cooks
Amber's Delectable Delights
Sugar and Spice
Adventures of a Cooking Mom

Every once in a while when I try one of the recipes off my favorite food blog sites, I will share it here. A couple of weekends ago, I made this recipe off of the Simply Recipes site (here is the link to the recipe):


1 stick unsalted butter (1/2 cup or 1/4 pound), melted
1 cup dried bread crumbs
1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic salt
A large pinch of Italian seasoning (herb mix
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 lbs of skinless, boneless, chicken meat, cut into pieces no larger than 2x2 inches


1. Preheat oven to 450°F.
2. In a bowl, combine the minced garlic with the melted butter. In another bowl mix together the bread crumbs, Parmesan, parsley, salt, garlic salt, Italian seasoning, and pepper. Dip chicken pieces into garlic butter, then into crumb mixture to coat.
3. Place coated chicken pieces on to a 9x13 baking dish. Try to leave a little room between each piece. Drizzle with remaining garlic butter and bake uncovered 15 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through and juices run clear. Note that the chicken will get much more browned on the bottom side than on the top.
Serves 4-6.

Now for what I did differently (aka I don't know how to read sometimes...). I forgot to put the Parmesan cheese in the mix and I didn't drizzle the chicken with the remaining garlic butter. Oh, and I am clueless as to whether my butter was unsalted or not. And it still turned out great. The kids loved it as did Ray.

Now go eat!


Edie said...

Yummy!! I make something similar to that myself!! Thanks for the blog sites, I can always use some new recipies!!

PS - I dupped the Nice Award to you. I know Shibby Shabby already gave it to you once... hey, I only read so many blogs! ;)

Anonymous said...

That looks SO good!! I don't cook. Mainly because I have convinced myself I can't. But, I'm going to try this :)

3XMom said...

I've made that same thing off the same site! we love it. Although its good to hear its good without the dredged butter..cuz that is just a killer to my WW.

frannie said...

going to have to try that! it looks great!

Lost A Sock said...

Ooh yum! Thanks for the tips on food blogs, and recipe. I love Pioneer Woman Cooks also, and I'll have to check out the others you mentioned. Nothing like finding new food blogs when I'm trying to lose weight, hahaha.

CPA Mom said...

Another site you need! COOKIE MADNESS!

Anonymous said...

hmm well it looks good;)

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Oooooooh, yumminess!!! I love to cook too. I love using different spices, but, my husband? A little black pepper, garlic salt and maybe onion powder and he's happy! WTF!

Michele_3 said...

What time is dinner??
Great recipe! I love to find new ones- Thanks!

SJINCO said...

Looks yummy! Maybe I should check these sites out and you know, actually cook once in a while...


Unknown said...

Thanx for ruining my diet - ok not really but that looks yummy! And if you tie of that bowl please sned it here. :)

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about the picky eater thing...Mike is the worst! But on his pool league nights sometimes I will make one of those fancy shmancy recipes on food network. So yummy.

I will have to try your recipe, sounds tasty!

Beccy said...

Looks delicious, I too try and make a new recipe once a week and you've given me one so thank you Amy.wrlue

Daisy said...

You might enjoy Farmgirl Fare. She posts beautiful farm photos and recipes that will make your mouth water.

my4kids said...

mmmm that looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Amy for the mention. I'm finding it hard to keep up two blogs, but having fun posting when I do. This Sunday, I'll be posting something really good.
