Monday, September 10, 2007

Fun Monday - The Good Deed

This week's challenge is brought to us by Nikki...

"I am not looking for a story of when you have offered your help in the past, I actually want you in the next two weeks to go out and help someone. Go visit a nursing home, cook dinner for someone sick or with a new baby, donate to a charity or even send just a "thinking of you card" to someone who needs it. It doesn't matter what your good deed is, or how great it is. It just needs to help someone!"

I have always donated blood. Needles don't scare me, and I have pretty good veins. I have also worked in the health care industry for the past 7 years and often get opportunities to donate.

Last Thursday at work, the Red Cross was here taking donations, so I donated. Hopefully my donation will help someone somewhere in need. And in case you were wondering, my blood type is B+. Only 9% of the population in the US has my blood type. But still, I know my blood is still needed.


Debs said...

This is indeed a Great deed!!! Good for you doing this. :D Needles do not scare me either.

Happy Working Mom said...

Good for you!

I hate needles...enough said. Even after having two kids I hate them.

Luckily for you your Rh factor is Rhogam shot for you with babies. Me on the other hand? A-, so lots of shots for me!

Anonymous said...

Needles aren't my favorite, but I can have blood drawn or whatever.

I've always wanted to donate blood. But, too much of a sissy.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I'm giving blood too, although it scares the you know what out of me.

Anonymous said...

Great deed! I can never seem to be able to get to a drive, always seems like something is going on, and I'm not afraid of needles!

la bellina mammina said...

My blood type is B+ too, and so are my boys.. funny how LP's dad and the boy's dad's blood type is A+.

I'm too chicken to donate blood - the sight of needles and blood just make me squirm unfortunately.

ChrisB said...

Having a rarer blood group makes donating an even more valuable deed and someone will be very grateful.

Julie said...

That's great you give blood. I've tried but have been unable b/c I studied abroad in England during their "mad cow" scare period - they won't let me give blood.

CPA Mom said...

HP has B+ blood too. I'm O- and I need to get myself to the next blood drive at our school (Sunday). Thanks for the kick in the pants.

Beckie said...

That is a good one! I didn't realize that B+ was so rare.

Anonymous said...

That is a fantastic good deed! My husband donates blood all the time and has tried talking me into going with him for years now. I did once and came out so bruised I never went back. I truly admire people who give blood. They don't call it the gift of life for nothing!! Great Fun Monday!

Anonymous said...

Good Job!! (My husband goes in today. He is AB+).

I quit donating blood - due to my very poor veins. Even giving a blood sample is a workout - I always get jabbed at least twice and sometimes on both arms. The last time I donated, I ended up with a "skin plug" in the line - and it was very painful. I decided I'd have to give in other areas.

Unknown said...

I hate hate hate needles! But I do have a port now, left over from chemo, I wonder if they could take my donation that way, I know I get all my bloodtests that way. But I feel like since I have had cancer no one will want my blood. I am B+ too as are two of my children. :)

Anonymous said...

donating blood is a very good deed!!!

The Ex said...

I try to donate every eight weeks! I'm A+, don't know how common that is.

Good for you :)

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

The fact that only 9% have that type means that for the people that do, it's harder to find. Good for you for donating.

Anonymous said...

Great good deed. Someone may pull through because of you.

Edie said...

You know, that's something that I've never done. I really should though. Good for you.

Pam said...

Hey- I'm B+, too - glad you donated b/c I may need it one day. I too donate when I get the chance...just seems like the right thing to do, glad you wereable to find a good deed and help the world be a better place!

Tiggerlane said...

Good for you! And working in the health care industry for ANY period of time makes you a good-deed person every day, in my book. It takes a special kind of person for that job.

Sandy said...

You are my hero. I cannot think of a better good deed to do. Hurray for you!

Jill said...

looks like you've already gotten a lot of "atta girls" but just wanted to add mine. i was always underweight until i went to college, and then, scared of needles. my appendicitis cured me of that, they took blood every morning. also some big burly guy asked if he should hold me down when i was 10 days into the pain and suffering and they were trying to assess exactly what was wrong with me. i guess that's when it turned around for me. umm why mess with that big of a dude, not that i was in any position to do so.. and 4 am after not sleeping is not a time to argue either. now i go in and sit down, and say, you can try either arm, pick the vein you want. it is hard to get blood out of me, my veins hide and often i get tied off and prodded and then switch arms, etc until they find a good one. dont know how useful i would be at giving blood if it takes 5 minutes to find it, and it runs slow too...

Anonymous said...

There is no telling whose life you will save. Good for you.
I'm not afraid of needles. They just don't want my AB+ blood because of my cancer history.

my4kids said...

Giving blood is a great thing. Cancer patients use a lot of it, I know with kids at least I've seen how much they need it. Unfortunatly for me I have bad blood I don't metabolize things like iron and such and have a port to get it so they don't want mine.

Anonymous said...

Giving blood is a great and selfless act. I can't give blood as they can't seem to get enough out of me and I get faint after half a pint is removed. I tried 2 or 3 times, and the last time they told me it probably isn't my thing.

willowtree said...

Actually, the lower the percentage of people with a particular blood type, the more critical it is that people donate.

BS said...

Doesn't it make you feel good after you've donated - knowing that you have possibly saved a life? I am a baby blood donor (CMV negative) and give just about every 56 days if I can.

Pamela said...

checking my card to see what blood type. AARP ... oops wrong card

no. A positive.

My brother is AB negative. I think that is rare, too.

well dang! my word verification is:


Anonymous said...

I don't mind needles anymore, thanks to the nurse who turned my entire arm purple when I was in the hospital to give birth. Unfortunately though, I am anemic, so I can't donate. But I will think of something else...

Anonymous said...

Last time I gave blood, I think I offended the poor tech when I asked him if he had ever taken blood before. He just looked so *young*. Does that mean I'm getting old?

Thanks for donating. One of my girls is B+, it's good to know there is blood out there if she ever needs it. (let's hope not)

Kelly said...

You are such a better person than I am. I am scared to death of needles...I cringe enough (sometimes even cry) when I have to go in for bloodwork let alone giving blood voluntarily!! I have horrible veins and usually get stuck at least 3 or 4 times before they find a good one!!

Anonymous said...

That is a great deed Amy! Someone, somewhere will definetly need it.

Believe it or not, I'm scared of needles, and I don't have very good veins. Not to mention I feel faint at the sight of blood.