Maybe I will make this more than a yearly event...I think I did this about a year ago. These are pictures I took on my drive home one day last week. What possessed me to do it was the first picture...

This guy should not get paid for this. He wasn't even holding up the sign for people to read it. And see his hat thing up against the pole? He didn't even look like Ms. Liberty (he was advertising Liberty Tax Services).

Miles and miles of grass, courtesy of the Turf Management division of NC State.

Am I the only one who thinks she looks nothing like her voice?

Proof of the drought here. This pond last year was filled up to the brim, now its just a muddy mess.

Obviously star glasses make the quick drive home much better (that and finding the goody bags I had hidden for emergency purposes from Chuck E. Cheese helps...).
That last picture is great!!
I have to say I had a different reaction to that Liberty guy, having seen them all over our town. Here, they have to stand on busy street corners where it is six degrees and windy, or snowing. I always feel terrible for them, because they always look three seconds from death's door up here in the cold. I always wonder what got them to that job. I'm sure Burger King down the street, even, is warmer!
The "Carpet King" stands on Route 28 here on the weekends. Abby always gets a good laugh at him - he always looks SO miserable.
love the last pic;) we see the liberty tax person alot in our town to though they do just a bit better of a job LOL
Great pictures:) I especially love the last one!
Love the pic of Ashley. It's amazing how well moms can multi-task!!
Love the photos...thanksfor sharing!!!
The Liberty guy on Route 1 tonight was dressed as Uncle Sam and was just standing there, off to the side behind a car - you couldn't even see him until you got right there ! The Statue of Liberty is usually a girl AND she actually waves and hollers !
I love the star glasses - that is a great picture! Fun pictures- thanks for sharing!
I often wonder how much they possibly pay those Liberty guys anyway? Although our local one jumps and waves his arms around like a crazy person. (come to think of it, probably is a crazy person...)
That Liberty Tax person should be FIRED! Love the glasses, baby she's a star!
It's nice to see grass again..I was starting to forget what it looked like!
Those liberty ppl here act like idiots. TO the point of all but jumping in front of cars to get their attention.
you are so smart to have emergency goodie bags!!! I want to be a mom like you when I grow up.
love the last picture best.
That is funny the first one without him even wearing the hat....
We have one of those Liberty Tax places too. Hilarious. I've never seen a guy though - it's always a girl.
Hope you are less stressed this week!!
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