Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This morning....

My sleep for the past two nights has been a little interrupted. Audrey woke up Sunday night wanting some milk (she hasn't done that in MONTHS) and last night Ashley woke up when a life sized poster of Hannah Montana fell from the wall.

So I was hitting snooze at 6:00am when Audrey decided to go ahead and get up. She is funny when she gets up in the morning; she comes out of her room, closes the door behind her, and comes and finds us. She crawled in bed with me and snuggled for a few minutes. Then she rolled over on her back and told me she loved me, completely unprompted. What a great way to start off my day.

And then it went downhill from there. She had a fit because she saw chocolate on the kitchen counter and wanted some. Ashley has some bug bite on the bottom of her foot, and complained about that all morning. Ashley is back into her "I want to wear all pink" stage, and what I had laid out for her to wear today was unacceptable. Thankfully everyone made it to the bus stop and to school on time.

Now if I can only get motivated to work...


Anonymous said...

That's what I have to look forward to? The clothing I select not meeting her requirements?!

Oy. That's gonna be rough!!

Beckie said...

At least the day started with a snuggle!

Misty said...

ahhh... the sneakiness of an early morning snuggle deluding you to believe it would be a lovely day...

Julie said...

my clothing selection NEVER is right - I've given up.

CPA Mom said...

if you figure out the key to being motivated at work, could you shoot it my way? Thanks!

SJINCO said...

Ugh. I hate days like these....