Yes, Audrey is getting tubes in her ears. We took her to the ENT last Wednesday and even after being on Augmentin for 8 days, her right ear was still infected. So tubes on February 2nd. I will need guidance from all of you who have had this done.
And Audrey's birthday was great. We made it last all weekend long. Thursday, her actual birthday, we went to Ray's brother's house and had a cake. Ray's Dad decorated this cake (he is a bakery manager at a BJ's store).
Cool, huh? Way too much cake though. Then her actual party was today my Dad and Stepmom's house. Which, by the way, is on the market, so of course someone calls wanting to see it. We had a brunch for her birthday and the food was fabulous (thanks Diane!!). And my Mom made the coolest cake (it was a Baby Einstein theme party)...

The party started at 10:30am and around 11:45am my Stepbrother called to say it was snowing where ever he was and that pretty much cleared the house. Which was fine with us because we wanted to get on the road anyways. But that first hour of our trip home was a nightmare, snowing, slow, narrowly avoiding an accident (DO NOT SLAM ON YOUR BRAKES ON A BRIDGE WHEN IT'S SNOWING OR SLEETING). Sorry, just had to yell. I know the people who were in front of us most likely don't read this blog, but that makes me feel better. Phew.
Oh, yea, and a wedding. My Stepmom's niece got married. It was a beautiful wedding, very small, very elegant. But I think this little girl stole the show....
She's my Stepsister's daughter, Morgan and she's two and she was the most best behaved flower girl I have ever seen at any wedding. Really she was.
Audrey has her one year appointment in the morning, so I will catch up with everyone once I make it to work. Hope everyone had a great weekend....
I'm glad you're back safe and sound...I hate driving in the weather.
We have to drive 8 hours round trip on Friday..into Wisconsin..and I can only pray that there isn't snow.
I'm sorry to hear about Audrey and the infection. Darn it...those are the worst. My son had them chronically but they opted not to put the tubes in...still don't remember I'm not help on the tube situation. I'm sure other Moms here can help with that..but I'll just say...any surgery for your child is NOT's nothing but anxiety for Mom.
So I hope it all goes ok.
I love that Baby Einstien cake! Your mom did a great job! I'm glad that Audrey had a good 1st birthday and that ya'll got home safe.
As for the tubes, my best friend's son had them when he was about 18 months and I think he had, maybe, one ear infections after that and the surgery itself was a breeze.
Sounds like everyone had a good time! glad you made a safe trip home as well..
Those cakes are beautiful!
The cake looks DEEEEEEEELISH.
I agree with everyone that the cakes look great! However, do you have any pictures of the birthday girl smearing those beautiful cakes all over her beautiful face? I've heard that the tube surgery is a piece of cake (speaking of cakes!). But any "surgery" is stressful for mom! I will be thinking of you! Good Luck!
Glad you made it home safe!
I know all about winter driving, in the snow and ice and all....*cough, cough*
The cakes looked awesome! And really, I'm glad you all had a good time even though you are super exhausted now because of it. I'm sure it was all worth it.
As far as tubes, the hardest part for me was the actual surgery. I opted to go in with Isaac when they put him under, so that was tough, but the surgery really is quick and simple. And Audrey is so little odds are she won't remember any of it. And really after it's done, things should really start to improve - like overnight. Isaac has been in the clear since his tubes went in, so yeah. I hope you have a good experience with them like we did. Let me know if you have any questions! I'm here for you!!
Tubes are not bad at all! We've only had them for like 2 weeks, but I'm sure I qualify as an expert or something.
What a precious little girl - I can just look at her and tell she is a sweetie!
And that caterpillar cake is GORGEOUS! I absolutely LOVE it!
That girl is WAY too adorable!!
The cakes were awesome! Glad you had a good time and made it home safely :-)
hmm..those cakes look yummy! Your father-in-law is very he available for parties?
Sorry to hear about Audrey's ear infection. I unfortunately have no experience with them or tubes..I have no kids...good luck with the surgery.
I live in upstate NY, so I have dealt with many idiots driving on the roads that shouldn't be in rainy/snowy/icy/slippery conditions! I trust my driving 100% it's the other people I don't! I'm glad you made it home safe and sound!
Both my girls had tubes in their ears, but they are 32 and 26 now, so I'm sure our experiences would not even be close to the procedures now. I only know that with our youngest, she slept for the first time all night, after the surgery.
The Mr. Worm cake is darling. What did your mom use. I know the segments are larger than regular cupcakes.
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