Monday, April 30, 2007

Come Live On My Street

Because I know how much bloggers love bullet points:
- Audrey is fine, well, kind of. The slight fever she had went away, but the sleepless nights did not. It didn't occur to us until last night that she might have an ear infection, so we started her on the Floxin drops. If those don't work, it's back to the doctor tomorrow. And she goes to the ENT next week...

- Ashley has gotten into a habit of coming into our room in the mornings at about 5:30am and climbing into bed with us. I would be okay with this, but during the week, my alarm goes off at 5:45am and she wakes up then off and on while I get ready. And Friday night she climbed into our bed at 4:00am. And last night at 3:00am and wanted to chat. I know, I should really walk her back into her room when she does it, but it is SO easy just to let her climb into bed. Especially after the past few nights we have had with Audrey.

- The test? Oh right! Thanks for all the well wishes and tips. I used as many "educational jargon" as I could in the essays. I actually thought the essays were easy. The multiple choice were hard. I will find out in 4 will be the first to know.

- Our block party was fun. I know you guys want to live on my street as we had catered food (roasted pig, I do live in North Carolina), live music (yes, you read that right), bounce houses and water slides. My kids were cooked when it was done.

The food...

The street...

The music (it was two guys who sang cover songs)...

Ray, Audrey and our favorite neighbor Dave.

Ashley and her best friend Hayden.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Friday Pictures

This little stinker...
was up for two hours last night with a fever...
and this one...
had cake for breakfast.

Audrey is running a low grade fever. We don't know if it's her allergies or teething, but she's just like Ashley. When she has a fever, she is WIDE awake. Good fun. Hopefully she will be better when she wakes up this morning. I am staying home today with her which actually works out good for me. I can study when she naps and I can go out and get stuff for my block party my street is having tomorrow.

And yes, Ashley had cake for breakfast. Along with a piece of toast. Breakfast of champions.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Big Ball O' Stress

Please, please bear with me these next couple of days. If I don't get a chance to read your blog it's because I am taking every free moment at work and home to study. I am taking the PRAXIS on Saturday in hopes of getting my provisional teaching license if I pass. And that's a big if.

When I graduated from college, I did what all accounting majors do - study and take the CPA. At the time, the requirements had just changed. In the state of Virginia, I had to take all four parts of the test, pass two of them with at least a score of 75 and get at least a 50 on the other two parts. I studied my ass off and thought I did well. I concentrated on two parts. One part I passed with flying colors, the other part? I got a 74. A freaking 74. I never took the exam again and it really didn't matter since I wasn't in public accounting.

So my luck on exams is not very good.

The exam I am taking on Saturday is 110 multiple choice and four essays. I think I can do well on the multiple choice (although I literally feel asleep taking a practice test last night). The essays are stressing me out. Hopefully all the papers I have written for my classes so far will help me.

Anyways, keep your fingers, toes, eyebrows, whatever crossed for me at 7:30 am on Saturday. I will need all the luck I can get.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Mother's Day

To Whom It May Concern:

I want a new cell phone for Mother's Day.

No, I NEED a new cell phone for Mother's Day.

I need one that actually keeps a charge longer then thirty minutes. I need one that has a car charger since that is the only place I will remember to plug it in. I need one that is not the ghetto free one you received as a free phone because a really, really expensive one was purchased for yourself. I need one that takes pictures and has cool ring tones and looks a little better than the piece of crap one I have.

Yes, I know, you are going to say it's my fault that I have this one. My last phone was stolen from my van at a festival almost a year ago. Some thug smashed in the windows of the van and took it. Well, either that or I left the window rolled down just a little, or maybe all the way. Either way, it doesn't matter. It is not my fault that is was stolen. Nope, not at all.

You get all the cool new gadgets. I get hand me down cell phones and laptops. Oh, except I did get a new laptop, but still, it isn't half as cool as your laptop.

I know, I know, you need your precious phone and laptop for work and blah blah blah.

I need a new cell phone. For birthing your children. Remember Ashley's delivery? Three hours of pushing?

Nuff said.

Your Loving Wife (who will be much more loving if I get a new cell phone)

PS - Please check out this cool giveaway...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Childbirth is an amazing thing...

Welcome to the world, Emerson Sophia.
There are some things in this world that are amazing to witness, and child birth is one of them. And yes, I did witness my own, but I have now been privileged to witness this beautiful girl's birth as well as my friend Julie's daughter. And it is truly amazing.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Fun Monday Bad Hair

It's one of those's Monday, one of my best friends is in labor NOW, and I have work and schoolwork due today.

So no, I didn't remember to scan a picture of my bad hair after getting home from my very successful scrapbooking weekend.

All I have is this.

Go see Robin for all the participants. I will try and post a better picture tomorrow...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

To continue the love...

I asked That Chick Over There to send me interview questions because I loved answering CPA Mom's and I knew That Chick Over There would give me more really thought provoking goes....

1) Do you think your life is different because you are a twin? Why or why not? I think so. Having a sibling who is exactly your age always makes your life different. We weren't necessarily close throughout our lives as we are very, very different, but we can still connect. Even though my brother went to a geek gifted high school, and I went to normal high school, we ended up at the same college. Twins are unique, and I like to think that my life is a little unique because I have someone that I was born with.

2) What was the exact moment you knew you would marry your husband? Ray and I both had been in long term relationships with people we went to high school with. When we started dating, it was so easy. Ray stood up to me (I tend to be the smothering mothering type) and it just worked. I no longer had someone I felt like I needed to take care of, I had someone who saw me as an equal and treated me that way. I knew right away we would spend the rest of our lives together.

3) Do you ever wonder what it would be like to have two sons instead of two daughters? I have had that nightmare a few times...just kidding! Sort of...I think if I had sons they would have been even-keeled as Ray is and not as rambunctious as some boys I have seen. Although, Ashley can give some boys a run for their money in the active department. The other thing about boys? They don't wear dresses and how I love buying matching dresses for the girls...

4) If you were independently wealthy, would you be a stay-at-home mom or continue to work? Why? Ooooohhh, good one. Gut instinct, I would work in some capacity. Although if I stayed at home I would definitely get all my scrapbooking done...hmmm....

5) If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why? Orlando, Florida. Sun, fun and Disney World!

So, if you want to play, here goes (and I forgot to do this last time I did this...)
1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.” If I don’t have your email address, leave it for me in the comments.

2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday Pictures - VT Style

Here are some pictures I have of my kids in their VT garb...enjoy!

A Christmas present from a friend...Ashley requests to wear this outfit all the time...
Ray in Hokie Orange (totally dig the head band!)...
Audrey in December in her football jersey....

I am here in Myrtle, I went to bed at 1:00am and now I am up at 7:00am. So much for sleeping in. At least I will get a lot of scrapbooking done!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

How do we tell our kids?

Tonight I am leaving for a much needed scrapbooking weekend away with my neighbor and her friends. I have been looking forward to this weekend for a while now. Anyways, last night I was laying out Ashley's clothes for today and Friday (otherwise Lord knows what Ray would dress her in!). I told her she needed to wear her VT t-shirt on Friday to school.

"Why Mommy?"
"Because something bad happened at Tech and we all are wearing our shirts on Friday, you, me, Audrey, Daddy..."
"Why did something bad happen?"
"I don't know."
"I don't know, but let's just wear our shirts okay? And you can tell your teachers at school tomorrow to wear orange and maroon too."
"What bad happened?"
(I can see at this point she isn't going to let it go...)
"Some people died."
"Because a not so nice person was not happy. Let's get pj's on..."

So how do we tell our kids about this? Ashley is too young to really grasp the events that happened, but I know some of you have older children. At what point do we shelter them from the news to letting them know what's going on? Should I have not told Ashley something bad happened?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Thanks for all the great comments and emails yesterday. You guys are great and definitely lifted my spirits when I felt like I couldn't watch the TV anymore or listen to the radio.

I watched the convocation at my desk at work and was luckily interrupted by a phone call from CPA Mom, otherwise I probably would have been a sobbing mess at work, and that would not have been good.

Friday has been deemed "Orange and Maroon" day. Hokies and non-Hokies alike are asked to join the Virginia Tech family and wear our school colors in support of those families who had loved ones who died.

I am also a huge sports fan...seeing this on the morning news this morning brought tears to my eyes...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech

Massacre, 33 dead, largest shooting....

I never thought I would hear those words attached to Virginia Tech, one of my favorite places on earth. I used to joke that when I die, I want my ashes spread in Disney World and at Virginia Tech.

Both Ray and I graduated from Virginia Tech as did my twin brother. What happened on that campus yesterday is scary, sad, disgusting, heart wrenching...I can't even imagine what the parents of those killed think.

I sat at work yesterday and many people emailed me about the tragedy. I am a huge Virginia Tech supporter. Every football game is watched, my kids have matching Virginia Tech cheerleading outfits, my Mom wears a Virginia Tech Mom shirt. Those four years at Tech were the best present my parents have ever given me.

I had one class in Norris Hall, I had friends who lived in West AJ. In fact, my biggest memory of Norris Hall? I was sitting in that classroom in Norris Hall when I decided to pledge the fraternity I ended up meeting Ray in.

It kills me to watch TV and see Virginia Tech Massacre and the VT logo all over the screen. What also kills me is how they are harping on the fact that the students weren't informed after the first shooting at West AJ, and how they are blaming Tech officials for the second shooting. Let's get all the facts and figure out exactly why, how, who. How in the hell are they supposed to contact all the students? 26,000 that live all over on campus and off? I think they did what they could with the information they had. 26,000 students over 2,600 acres and 100 buildings? I do not think the president should be fired.

Sorry for the rambling post...My prayers and thoughts to those involved. What a sad, tragic day. The Virginia Tech campus will never be the same.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Fun Monday #13

Just a quick added note, my alma mater is under attack from a gunman. Please, please keep those students in your prayers...

Ice Cream Mama has this weeks honors of hosting Fun Monday. She took the questions James Lipton asks his audience on Inside the Actor's Studio. Here are my answers:

What is your favorite word? Target (hehe)

What is your least favorite word? Death. I don't even like how it sounds.

What turns you on (creatively, spiritually or emotionally)? A great song, whether it makes me sad or happy...

What turns you off? Mean, rude, uncaring people

What is your favorite curse word? Sugar, Honey and Ice Tea

What sound or noise do you love? My kids laughing, a great symphony band playing anything by John Williams...

What sound or noise do you hate? The sound of someone else's baby crying and I can't "fix" them...

What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt? Teaching

What profession would you not like to attempt? Air Traffic Controller

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Go over there to get fitted for your wings, you're going back down to help people out.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Some Links

I came across this blog through a link on someone else's blog....please, go read. I don't know what else to say.

And check out Twins x Two. She, like so many of you, are walking in the March of Dimes walk. Her second set of twins were born prematurely.

That's all I got today. I am stuffed from dinner at Maggiano's and cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory, compliments of Ray's parents. I am going to roll myself to bed now...

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday Pictures

This has been "hell week" for lack of a better word. Ray left Tuesday morning for Texas for a conference and doesn't come home until late tonight. Ray's parents came last night so that I could go to band practice and then my concert tonight. I had a couple of nights of Ashley screaming and waking her sister, a couple of mornings of trying to take a shower with Audrey eating tampons and Ashley snatching them from her and knocking her head first into the bathroom cabinets. But other then that, it's been okay. Here's what we do when Daddy's away...

Eat cookies...

Dress up like Minnie Mouse Princess and eat more cookies...
Dance around in new clothes Mommy bought you at Old Navy (just in case you didn't know "Pink is the new black").
Play in Daddy's office (I think Audrey wants to start her own blog).

And for those of you who were wondering about Ray's self employment, he is a real estate agent with Kellar Williams Realty. And yes, we are filing tax extensions...nothing like postponing the inevitable another six months...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I forgot to mention...

Audrey is walking! She practiced a ton this weekend walking between any two individuals that would give her the time of day. And then Monday evening I was reading her a book in her room and she scooted herself off my lap and then walked herself out of her room into the playroom. I told her at that point the hand holding was off. She is on her own. Unless she gives me that pitiful cry that means you better hold my hand and help me or so help me god I will lay on the floor and scream.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I know it's April 11...

And no, we haven't done our taxes. Anyone want to help us out? Here's a little glimpse into our complicated taxes this year:

  • Two states
  • Rental property with LOSSES
  • We have a limited liability company (don't ask)
  • Dividends paid
  • Ray is self employed, pays quarterly taxes
  • Ray has to figure out his mileage and business expenses and who knows what else
  • Children and daycare costs (okay, that's not really all that complicated)
  • Home office

Who knows what else I am forgetting. And yes, I am an accountant, but not a CPA and definitely not a tax accountant.

I see an extension in our future...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Interview Meme

CPA Mom as well as tons of others have done the interview meme. I had CPA Mom ask me five questions, and here they are...

1) Who would you most like to have to dinner (could be someone living or dead)?
George Bush. Ha! That was just to get CPA Mom's goat. Um. Dinner. With anyone. I could go with Tiger Woods being the Masters just finished and I think he would at least have a stimulating conversation. Or I could pick Rachel Ray and we could hopefully go to dinner somewhere chic and cool and eat something I would never cook for myself...tough choice.

2) How long after meeting Ray did you know he was "the one?"
Ray and I met in college and the week we both turned 21 was when we officially started dating. Although my mind is a little fuzzy from that week, I would say I pretty much knew right away. He was just so right for me.

3) If you could go anywhere in the world (money not an object), where would you go? Would you go alone or with Ray or the kids?
I would take the family on a tour of all the Disney Parks all over the world...I know, not a big surprise considering how much I love Disney.

4) What was your favorite toy as a child?
I had toys when I was a child? Does the sandbox count?

5) If you had the chance to do-over high school, would you? Why or why not?
I would not do-over high school. I had a great time with my band geekiness and all. I promise I will scan in a picture of SJ and I in our band gear later this week...

6) Who is your favorite movie star? Friend? Relative? Hero/Heroine?
Fav movie star - Any star that is easy on the eyes...Like Matthew Fox...
Fav friend - all of them
Fav Relative - Ray
Hero/Heroine - Orville and Wilbur Wright because they did the first flight in the state I now reside in. I am also going to include my favorite music composer John Williams. And yes, you non-band geeks would know his stuff too. He has done tons of movies stuff such as Jurassic Park...

7) What is your favorite food? Sport (to watch and to participate in)?
My favorite food is nachos. I love mexican. Yum. I want some now. Good thing today is Fiesta Mexican day at the hospital cafeteria. Oh, and favorite sport? Softball by far. I wish sometimes I still played, although I am way too slow now. And probably couldn't catch a ball.

8) Complete the sentence, "Happiness is...."
Happiness is being surrounded by friends and family you love. Oh, and having parents (and I mean all my parents before you think I am singling out one or the other) who love my daughters unconditionally and would do anything for them.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Fun Monday #12 - Embarrassing Clothing

The challenge this week was to find something in your closet you are keeping for some ungodly reason (the sweatshirt with all the holes, the jeans your kids used as a drawing table with markers, the shirt with the stain you only hope no one notices) take a picture of it and tell us why you are keeping it and how it got that way.

Here are the Participants (in no particular order):
The Very Nice Man
Lost a Sock
elena jane
karmyn r
Jippy Jabber
Stephanie at Mama Drama
House of the Purple Worms

It's not too late to participate, just email me or put in a comment and I will add a link. And if I accidentally missed you, please beat me upside the head and let me know so I can add you as soon as possible.

As far as my embarrassing clothing, well, considering I recently did this to my closet:

I don't have much to go on. I did realize I kept my insane amount of white tee shirts from various events and places. First up, mine and Ray's favorite restaurant in Phoenix, which we have been to twice in our lives. Sad that we have tee shirts from there...

Notice how faded it is?

Next up, my beloved Chipotle tee shirt. I know, but I did not buy this one for myself. It was a gift.

And last, I have tee shirts from every year I volunteered at the fair back in Virginia. These shirts are so stretched out, Ray and I both can fit in them.

As for why I have kept these? Ray and I used to wear them to work out in. We still use them occasionally to work out, but since I sometimes work out in clothes that are really pajamas (cute tank tops, don't make fun of me) we don't wear these much anymore. I guess I could really just add them to the pile....

UPDATE - We have a host for next week - Bethany at Ice Cream Mama. Check back with her later for instructions!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Weekend away...

We decided at the last minute to go to Myrtle Beach this weekend for Easter. Maybe, just maybe the weekend away would help Ashley turn from devil child into something just slightly nicer.

I think the main problem is Ashley is transitioning from a three hour nap every afternoon to no nap whatsoever. How's that working so far? In the past two weekends where she has not taken a nap, she has fallen asleep at 5 pm twice, once in a restaurant.

Yes, thanks to tricks told by all of you, she stays in her room now. But that doesn't stop her from intermittently screaming my name or crying hysterically every few nights. A few times she has woken up her sister.

She really is a sweet child, really she is. She will charm you with her long eye lashes and amazing smile. And then try to put her to bed. I double dog dare you.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Friday Pictures

Audrey loves pudding...
Last weekend we had an easter hunt for some neighbors in our backyard. These are the girls Ashley loves to play with on the street.

Ashley and her best friend Hayden.

Have a great Easter everyone!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Sex Offenders

This past Sunday, one of my good friends, Adrienne, stopped by on her way to Myrtle Beach with her kids and sister-in-law. Adrienne and I have been friends for almost a decade and she has a daughter who is five weeks older than Ashley. We lived in the same neighborhood in Virginia (where we still own a house, anyone want to buy it??). Ashley and Grace were pretty inseperable, and leaving them was one of the hard parts of moving to North Carolina.

Anyways, Adrienne and Ray normally get into pretty heated discussions for fun. I would just sit on the sidelines and make sure no fists were thrown. For once, though, Adrienne and Ray agreed. Adrienne told us that a registered sex offender moved into a section of our old neighborhood and of course it was causing a big fuss. Her question to us - what would we do? Would be put signs in their yard and make sure everyone knew? Would we watch that person like a hawk?

Ray was pretty adamant, he would know exactly what this guy did and his whereabouts at all time. I don't know about sending flyers out about this guy, but definitely making everyone in the neighborhood aware is probably a good idea. Not to mention that guy living in that section just brought down home values. What do you think?

Go here to see if there are any sex offenders in your neighborhood...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Really, really, REALLY random post

Check the post below if you want to participate in next week's Fun Monday challenge.

I need to give a shout out to a couple of people...

CPA Mom for all the clothes she has sent me for Audrey - you rock!

Kelly M for the kick ass homemade stromboli recipe you gave me, I loved it, Ray loved it, and Ashley inhaled it.

SJ for the Chicken Poop you sent me forever ago. Love it.

Now go check out Life, the Universe and Everything for a cool contest through April 15th.

Audrey is doing okay with her allergies considering the amount of pollen in the air around here. There were times last week where there was so much pollen in the air that it was like we were living in a yellow cloud. We can't open our windows at home because the pollen would cover the inside of our entire house. She is on Zyrtec in the mornings and we are giving her Benadryl at night to stop the coughing fits she has in the middle of the night. Neither drug seems to make her sleepy which is good.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Fun Monday - I'm the host next week!

Go check out Mum for this week's Fun Monday participants. I am too late in the game for this weeks, but I volunteered to host next week's challenge.

So to kind of go along with the same theme of clothing - my Fun Monday theme is Embarrassing Clothing. Find something in your closet you are keeping for some ungodly reason (the sweatshirt with all the holes, the jeans your kids used as a drawing table with markers, the shirt with the stain you only hope no one notices) take a picture of it and tell us why you are keeping it and how it got that way.

Just leave me a comment or email me (look in my profile) if want to participate!

Sunday, April 01, 2007


There are some nights, every once in a while, Ashley wakes up crying hysterically and is pretty much inconsolable. We can't get her to tell us what's wrong, let alone calm down. Eventually we give her a drink of anything and she calms down and goes back to sleep. Maybe its a dream, maybe she just woke up funky. Who knows.

Last night it started about 10:45pm. She was dead tired and hadn't napped yesterday. I think that has something to do with it. Anyways, I tried to calm her down my giving her drink of my soda. She only wanted more and cried for about an hour. Nothing at that point was calming her down. Finally, I sat on the floor in her room and she crawled into my lap and fell asleep.

She was so big laying across my legs...yet she's only three. It scares me to think she's going to be four in a few months...I want to always feel like she can crawl in my lap and go to sleep.